Photo by Megan Landmeier

American Girl Dolls

This August, our friends from American Girl in Tysons generously donated a couple dozen dolls and activity books for our children and their siblings. The gift provided a sweet opportunity to bring contagious joy and huge smiles to these girls. They enthusiastically welcomed their new dolls with open arms, like welcoming a new friend into their hearts. 

One of our moms shared how her daughter, “…has been putting band-aids on her [doll], taking [her] temperature, putting headbands [on her], etc. [She] plays doctor which helps soothe her and feel someone else is experiencing what she is going through. Thanks again to you and American Girl.”

We deeply appreciate American Girl for sharing their dolls with our families and reminding all of us here at Jill’s House how something as simple as a doll can comfort a child in significant ways. 

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 © 2018 Jill’s House

American Girl Dolls

This August, our friends from American Girl in Tysons generously donated a couple dozen dolls and activity books for our children and their siblings. The gift provided a sweet opportunity to bring contagious joy and huge smiles to these girls. They enthusiastically welcomed their new dolls with open arms, like welcoming a new friend into their hearts. 

One of our moms shared how her daughter, “…has been putting band-aids on her [doll], taking [her] temperature, putting headbands [on her], etc. [She] plays doctor which helps soothe her and feel someone else is experiencing what she is going through. Thanks again to you and American Girl.”

We deeply appreciate American Girl for sharing their dolls with our families and reminding all of us here at Jill’s House how something as simple as a doll can comfort a child in significant ways. 


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 © 2018 Jill’s House