
Housing Panel

February 2019

On February 10th, Jill’s House hosted a panel discussion focused on the complex realities of housing for adults with intellectual disabilities. Over 100 parents listened in as the panel answered questions and provided guidance for housing options.

The panel included: Dana Hecht (Jill’s House VP of Family Support), two Jill’s House parents who have recently placed their adult children into group homes, and a Housing Specialist from the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services. This dynamic panel encouraged parents to plan realistic and healthy options for their children’s futures. 

“This was the largest ‘workshop’ we’ve ever held in terms of attendance, so I think that speaks to the incredible need for information and guidance as our parents face the future with their children.” – Dana Hecht

In Spring 2019, there will be another panel discussion hosted by Jill’s House! Join us as we explore the financial side of planning and budgeting for individuals with intellectual disabilities, and the care required throughout their lifetime. 

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 © 2018 Jill’s House

Housing Panel

February 2019

On February 10th, Jill’s House hosted a panel discussion focused on the complex realities of housing for adults with intellectual disabilities. Over 100 parents listened in as the panel answered questions and provided guidance for housing options.

The panel included: Dana Hecht (Jill’s House VP of Family Support), two Jill’s House parents who have recently placed their adult children into group homes, and a Housing Specialist from the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services. This dynamic panel encouraged parents to plan realistic and healthy options for their children’s futures. 

“This was the largest ‘workshop’ we’ve ever held in terms of attendance, so I think that speaks to the incredible need for information and guidance as our parents face the future with their children.” – Dana Hecht

In Spring 2019, there will be another panel discussion hosted by Jill’s House! Join us as we explore the financial side of planning and budgeting for individuals with intellectual disabilities, and the care required throughout their lifetime. 

 © 2018 Jill’s House